
The Date of Surgery

I have been glued to my cell phone; waiting for the call from the breast surgeon’s office to tell me when I am scheduled for surgery.  There is so much to do to get ready for surgery.  I was at work and my cell phone went off.  I couldn’t answer it because I was on the phone at work.  Within 10 minutes, I called back the office and spoke to the MA.  My surgery was set for November 12th, Wednesday and I am to arrive to the hospital at 9:00 AM.  I was not to eat or drink anything after midnight.  Surgery will be performed at 12:30 PM.  Another surgery has been scheduled for that morning and once that person is done with surgery, mine will be next.  It was the perfect date for both the breast surgeon and plastic surgeon.  My breast surgeon is also pregnant with her third child and due the first of the year.   So this surgery needed to take place and I definitely wanted my breast surgeon to be present to get rid of all cancer.

Also, my dad and his wife are flying in that morning, the 12th, from Arizona.  The plan was that they were to stay with us for around 2 weeks along with their dog, Sedona, a Jack Russell.  They had airfare tickets back in August, before I even had a scheduled mammo.

Even though my dad was coming out, there was no way I would expect them to take care of me.  That was NOT the plan.  His wife, my step-mom, has been fighting ovarian cancer for years and years.   Her cancer counts were up at 4,000 quite a few years ago and now they are down to a single digit.  She has been living with chemo for years and finally was getting off of chemo and wanted to make a visit.  My step-mom lived in Portland, Oregon and her ex-husband is here along with her son, daughter, grand-daughter and 2 great grand-kids along with lots of friends.  They have plans and sightseeing to do.  They want to head to the coast and maybe try and get to Bend, Oregon, but depends on the weather.   There is no way I want them to have to sit in my house taking care of me.  Besides, Ray was going to work from home for a week so if I need anything, he would be right here to help me.

Still, it was bizarre that my dad and his wife were flying in that morning, the day of surgery.  Kinda makes one think what might happen with me during surgery, but I try not to go there with those thoughts.

My preop breast surgeon visit was set up for October 29th to go over what I need to do before surgery.  Here we go.  A game plan has been finalized.