
My MRI Results

I am sitting with Ray and listening to my breast surgeon going over my MRI results.  Here we go.  MRI showed residual cells on my right.  Basically, the breast biopsy didn’t get all the cancer cells which is fine because surgery is imminent anyway.  My left shows no residual at all. Yay!  Breast biopsy got all the cancer on the left (still need surgery though), but for some reason, there is thickening showing in a lymph node area under my armpits, especially my left armpit.  Go figure!  Could be due to breast biopsy when pulling away tissue (and me doing a lot of push ups lately..hahaha).  I am being scheduled (hopefully next week) to get ultrasound with possible lymph node biopsy, if needed, for both underarms to check the lymph node areas.  Yikes, a possible core needle biopsy in the armpit area? Really??? I have a game plan though!!!  YIPPEE!  The unknown is just about done.  I am opting for the double breast mastectomy.  I am DONE with this emotional roller coaster ride.   I am praying and hoping my lymph nodes were not touched.  I see plastic surgeon on Monday.  Then, surgery should be in about 3-4 weeks.  Gee, all these tests for early breast cancer, the unknown of this and that, and having no mass, lump, or tumor?  As a friend of mine would say, there is no turning back and just need to move forward with the game plan.  As someone I love dearly said, it is a massive bump in the road and this will all be done soon.  It has been difficult, especially since I fight fear of the unknown. 

This is EXACTLY how I was feeling before I saw the surgeon to get my MRI results. “The unknown is not what to be afraid of, it’s only when the unknown becomes known that one can decide whether to be afraid or not.”  ― Markus Peterson.

I keep telling myself this is going to be one crazy wild adventure ride.  I know I can do this, as long as I have my support group, friends, family, and God by my side each step of the way.