
Breast Surgeon Visit And Final Path Report

Help Me Find It Sidewalk Prophets from the album Live Like That

Ray and I went to the breast surgeon office visit.  I absolutely love my surgeon and very thankful to have her in my life.  I was going to miss her and her medical assistant.  My surgeon said the path report was not finalized yet and I am not to worry.  There were 2 breasts that needed to be looked over with a fine tooth comb and pathologist has to prove there was no invasion.  Surgeon said pathologist is probably moving “rocks and stones” looking for anything out of the norm and once she gets path report back, she will call me right away.

She also stated “IF” there was something found on path report and needs attention, like more surgery (lymph node removal), she will schedule immediate surgery in the next few days.  Then, she stated she was not worried about the path report.  Otherwise, I looked great and breast surgeon was pleased with the plastic surgeon’s reconstruction.  My breast surgeon also wanted me to schedule and see the oncologist within the week to see if anything more needed to be done.  I didn’t understand that I had to see the oncologist again, since the oncologist said if I had a double mastectomy, I would not need chemo, radiation, or tamoxifen.  Great, a couple more hurdles to deal with.

Ray and I left the clinic and I had an uneasy feeling about the path report.  In fact, what in the world?  I thought I was finished.  Done!!  No more office visits, no tamoxifen, and all I really need to do is to finish up with the plastic surgeon to get expanders filled, removed, and have implants put in known as “The Exchange.”  So why in the world did the surgeon say she could schedule me if needed to have emergency surgery?  My mind was starting to race.  I want PEACE!!  I want this whole nightmare over with!!!!  I know this is the road I am to walk and I love my small group.  They helped my family out with prayers, meals each week, and gave their love and support.  This special group is so amazing.  I also am thankful for my friends and neighbors who gave me gifts and support and always kept checking up on me.  I appreciate them all very much!!!!

Our small group during Christmas.

Our small group during Christmas.

By evening, I was not myself.  I was upset and emotional.  Tired of the emotional roller coaster rides.  Once I get through one hurdle, there is another one to deal with.

Around 6:30pm, I noticed my cell phone flashing.  I missed a call.  It was a call from my breast surgeon and she left a message.  I yelled for Ray to come into the bedroom.  He was talking to my dad and his wife, Mitzi, in the bonus room.  Ray rushed to where I was in the bedroom and I told him my breast surgeon left a message.  We both held each other while I was shaking, and I played the message.  She stated, “Hi Nadine.”  “I wanted you to know right away that I just talked to the pathologist and your results came back.”  “As I suspected and as we discussed, your path report came back good and clear of all margins and no need for more surgery.”  I was to call her back if I had any questions.  I started crying and Ray just held onto me and kept saying, “Praise God!”  Tears came to his eyes and I cried more than ever.  I told him I NEED to call her back.

Ray left the room and I grabbed my prayer shawl that I received as a gift from a dear sweet couple, Scott and Sheryl, in our small group at church.  I took that shawl and wrapped it around me and fell to my knees.  I was so very thankful and wept.

After I got my composure back, I called the breast surgeon.  She immediately answered her phone.  I told her, “Thank you…. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and thank you for calling right away after receiving the path reports.”  I then started crying to her on the phone.  I told her thank you for her being my breast surgeon and for taking care of me and performing surgery.  I could barely speak and I continued thanking her for all she had done and I appreciated her very much.   She said she was happy to give me the results and told me to have a good night and get some rest.  She also said she wish she had more patients like me and was happy with the overall results.  I asked for my path report because I wanted to look at the results.